Apple launched its new iPad Pro family with A10X chipset at the beginning of June. Specifics on the chipset werent confirmed back then, but we now learn its built on a 10 nm process line by TSMC.
The A10Xâs 10 nm FinFET process by TSMC appears for the first time in a consumer device. Until the WWDC on June 5, Apples most powerful SoC was the A10, built on the 16 nm FinFET process.
This allowed the size of the chipset to be just 96.4 - 24% smaller than the A10 SoC and 34% reduction compared with the A9X. In fact, the A10X is the smallest chipset by Apple, ever.
TechInsights went into even further detail about the architecture of the chip. Apple stated the A10X has 3 Fusion CPU core pairs and the 12 Cluster GPU, also seen in the previous A9X. The 12 GPU clusters are on the left, while the CPU cores are grouped on the right.
A10X | A9X | |
CPU | 3x Fusion (Hurricane + Zephyr) | 2x Twister |
CPU Clockspeed | ~2.36GHz | 2.26GHz |
GPU | 12 Cluster GPU | PVR 12 Cluster Series7 |
Manufacturing Process | TSMC 10nm FinFET | TSMC 16nm FinFET |
! ( hope useful)
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